Saturday 27 December 2014

Do people need Agony Aunts/Uncles???

From past 1 week, have all the time in the world. Yup, you read it correctly. All thanks to my new company. We have a complete shutdown that started on 20th dec’14 until 5th of Jan ’15.

During this time, few people that I am either friends with or acquainted with reached out to me to share their woes. Were they expecting me to just listen to their problems and say “Oh Nooooo” or give them some advice (Trust me, I don’t do that) or what?????

Sometimes I wonder, what makes an individual share their stories that are so personal with another person, which in turn could lead to another individual being all judgmental about them. Forget about Chinese whispers and grapevines post sharing, it’s another ball game altogether.

          Do Sharing problems/issues with someone actually help?

          Why is it being heard so important?

          Do people feel light hearted, when they share their troubles?

No matter which one of the above, a person feels or does, the primary concern of going through the trouble still stays.

I am not against sharing the troubles or your feelings, but how is that going to help.  The one on the side of the conversation may share some tips or solutions, but do they know the complete story to offer one. There‘s always 3 views associated with a story “My view, His/Her’s and the main one the “Actual fact”.

So people who give advice just for the heck of it or the ones who have attained certain age to do that, Watch out of what you feeding another person’s brain.

Sharing, Ignoring and running away are just "WORKAROUNDS" and not solutions to the problem. Like the saying "Tackle the bull by horns”, attack the issue and implement a permanent solution. Nothing apart from this would help. Worrying only makes it worse.

This is what I have learnt through my own experiences in life.

Primary objective should always be in resolving the problem one is facing and not opting for temporary fixes.

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